Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tomorrow's Child

All we ever know about the future is that it won’t look like today.  One of my perceptions of the minority regions of China was that of an area in the midst of great changes. Airports, train tracks and shiny new highways bring people to and from these mountains now. 

Tourists from all around the world flock to his area to enjoy the scenery and local customs.  At the same time young adults leave for jobs in the cities.  The new and the old mix as grandparents care for small children who stay behind.  It makes me think of our own American farmers who for such a long time now have lost their young people to the appeal of the big city.

We often think of China as being on the opposite side of the globe from us.  The language, both spoken and written is about as different as you can get.  It seems a challenge to move past our preconceived ideas of people with such different ways.   And yet, when we stand close and look into the eyes of a child we see that we all have dreams; dreams for a happy life with peace, prosperity and special people to love.  And we all wonder what the future will hold.

 Detail "Shy Dreamers"
by Vicky Gooch
24" X 18" Oil on Linen
 Detail "Shy Dreamers"
by Vicky Gooch
24" X 18" Oil on Linen

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